Rathergood Chat Ep 14: Crabs

Rathergood Chat ep 14: Crabs is out now! We discuss the finest creature in all of creation- the majestic crab.

Rathergood is in fact The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom, and Joel is himself the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom – a gigantic crab with a human face, atop a gigantic pyramid surrounded by hordes of fanatical followers. Crabs have featured in many, many of their works over the years and so this is a subject very close to their crabby hearts. In addition to crabs, this podcast also covers (among other things)
* The Margate Crab Museum
* Meaty Steve, who sells carrier bags full of suspicious meat from round the back of the hospital
* Oesophagal flesh centipedes
* Squirrels

You can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts. It is on Apple Podcasts here, or you can listen on the embedded player below:

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