“This video contains content from Warner Chappell, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.” I’ve seen this video before. How are copyright grounds blocking it in my country?
Can you not use a video service other than YouTube? I miss the Viking Kittens, the best video ever. I tell people about it, a long lost magical video with rockin’ music.
For me, The Immigrant Song will always be associated with the Viking Kittens, but now the song is in the trailer for the new Thor movie and I keep expecting the kittens to show up.
On YouTube, the copyright issue is due to the Led Zeppelin song being used without express permission. YouTube has been blocking, deleting or removing audio from any videos deemed to be a copyright violation. This is in accordance with either YouTube’s own decision or from copyright violations submitted by an original copyright holder. In this case, it seems whoever owns the copyright to Led Zeppelin’s music is the one who had YouTube remove the video and/or audio. Warner Chappell is not a person. It is a subsidiary of the parent organizations “Warner Music Group” and “WMG Acquisition Corp” who basically now own Atlantic Records, the original label Zeppelin was signed to.
Now this was my era in computers, I did tech support for just about every version of windows mostly to old people. This was so great I watched it every time I got cranky and needed to laugh. This was 2002 the internet was brand new
This one and the little irish girl who is trying to sing some frozen song but her mom is laughing and she goes off. If you havent seen it watch it with subtitles her accent is heavy but adorable.
I used to watch this all the time. It used to be in flash. do you hate America? this is only going to isolate Britain even more!
;_; “This video contains content from Warner Chappell, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. “
Who is Warner Chappell, and why should he restrict public works of art?
“This video contains content from Warner Chappell, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.” I’ve seen this video before. How are copyright grounds blocking it in my country?
Can you not use a video service other than YouTube? I miss the Viking Kittens, the best video ever. I tell people about it, a long lost magical video with rockin’ music.
I found the flash version! LOL http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/vikingkittens
Thank you for installing this beautiful site
Awe, so sweet
Always loved this video.
For me, The Immigrant Song will always be associated with the Viking Kittens, but now the song is in the trailer for the new Thor movie and I keep expecting the kittens to show up.
I’ve always liked this one, even though there are a couple of annoying mondegreens in it!
Please sell the t-shits in the UK!
Go here to see it will sound! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/vikingkittens
Go to see IT with sound
What happened to the sound on Viking Kittens?
This was my children’s introduction to Led Zeppelin (and kittens)
On YouTube, the copyright issue is due to the Led Zeppelin song being used without express permission. YouTube has been blocking, deleting or removing audio from any videos deemed to be a copyright violation. This is in accordance with either YouTube’s own decision or from copyright violations submitted by an original copyright holder. In this case, it seems whoever owns the copyright to Led Zeppelin’s music is the one who had YouTube remove the video and/or audio. Warner Chappell is not a person. It is a subsidiary of the parent organizations “Warner Music Group” and “WMG Acquisition Corp” who basically now own Atlantic Records, the original label Zeppelin was signed to.
Now this was my era in computers, I did tech support for just about every version of windows mostly to old people. This was so great I watched it every time I got cranky and needed to laugh. This was 2002 the internet was brand new
This one and the little irish girl who is trying to sing some frozen song but her mom is laughing and she goes off. If you havent seen it watch it with subtitles her accent is heavy but adorable.