Northern Kittens play Independent Woman, as covered by Elbow

This is one of Rathergood’s classic vids. It has only been available with flash, which is now pretty much unsupported, so here it is ready for the brave new world of video.


    • They did it for Jo Wiley’s level lounge on BBC Radio 1. I just thought it was fantastic and put this animation together for it.

  1. I have a memory of a version that was interactive, so that your could bring different kittens to the fore. I just found the flash file on my computer, but I don’t know if that has interactive capacity and if so, how to access it. I played it in an image viewer and found that IT DOESN’T STOP,

  2. Hey Guys! I have a little dispute going here in Nebraska, U.S.A. with an old colleague of mine. Your Independent Woman kitties was the (if not one of the) first online bookmarks — and at the time we were working at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. I feel like it’s been around since the school went online, which would have been in 1996 but it’s possible I didn’t find it until 1997 (2nd semester of the 96/97 school year.) Can you settle this? Am I completely losing it and misremembering how long you’ve been online? No one seems to believe me — that you couldn’t possibly still be online after all these years … who’s right?

  3. Oh around 2005 there was a shockwave of a Japanese train conductor teaching gaining (foreigners) to speak japanese on the yamanote line, by imitating how they say each station, it ends with an escalation pan of “Shimbash!” (Repeats) “Shinbash” — “SHIMBASH!” (Repeats) “SHinbash!” — “SHIIIIMBAAAASHHHHHHH!” ——- (calms down” sighhhhhhh”

    I cannot find it anywhere… so sad.

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